It is with amusement that I read articles and comments about
the Manila scenes from the disappointing film
Bourne Legacy. Several people harped over the impoverished, ‘stinky’ images of
the city. However, I didn’t find anything ugly and demeaning at all. Well, the
foreign movie is quite talky, but noisy and busy Manila is just like what locals (and
tourists) see everyday. The horrendous traffic is replicated throughout the day
in various parts of Metro Manila. What surprised me were the gorgeous nighttime
aerial shots of Manila .
There’s still nothing as seductive and alluring as the city after dark.

Makoy (Kristofer King) is having a hard time convincing his
younger brother Abet (Kristoffer Martin) to help him manage his sakla operations.
Business is booming and he needs all the hands he can find to man the games. He
just ignores the entry of a saklaan competitor by reasoning that there are lots
of dead people to be shared by two groups.
Indeed, Makoy easily buys an unclaimed corpse from a funeral
parlor and uses it for his fake wakes. He then cooks up a background story that
the ‘surviving family’ can tell to nosey neighbors and authorities. The film is
a handy blueprint for those planning to enter the lucrative sakla business. All
the things you need to know are there. Vivid details like the need to apply formalin
to the corpse and the collection of protection money are shown.
Paul Sta. Ana did wonders with a well-researched story on
the world of sakla. He is so confident with his material that he didn’t flinch
from using clichéd poverty porn images. His first scene mockingly apes the
beginning of Ang Babae sa Septic Tank, a successful film that pilloried makers of ‘poverty
porn’ movies. He then goes on to pay homage or simply refers to other notable
films and directors. There’s humor as a man fails miserably in doing a Gloc 9
rap song. The off-key singing segues to Abel doing a passable rap like the
young gangsta rappers of Tribu. A stinky turd scene recalls scenes from the
films of Jeffrey Jeturian. There’s just a slight misstep in the
Kubrador/Tirador scene. Abel outruns a man without experiencing any trouble
with his pair of slippers. Maybe, the slippers get to be a perfect fit when the
user is running scared instead of walking leisurely.
Kristofer King won the Best Actor award for his convincing
role as a small-time hands-on businessman. The way he delivers his lines
especially the throwaway lines is so natural. His Makoy is hard on
irresponsible employees but has a soft spot for family members. King and Kristoffer
Martin came up with memorable characters that are a perfect fit for the movie’s
version of Manila .
They seem to be real-life denizens of the city’s edgier side. In the end, the
strong performances and the nitty-gritty details of the saklaan business stays
with you and not the so-called poverty porn images.